Fill in the missing words choose 10 words and phrases from the list fill in the missing words choose 10 words and phrases from the list of words given below Three months ago I joined the ... . I decided to ... the society because i want to help ... animals. I believe that every ... has the ... to live . ... many people are trying to ... animals and birds ... and fish from death. They organize ... where scientists ... the animals and their young. Помощь:hobbies,soap operas,be responsible for,like dancing,dive,stay at home,in fond of,eating cakes and sweets,free time,sport,programmes,keep fit, swimming,models of ships,have fun,stamps and coins,horse riding

nunny: у тебя слова не в тему - они не от этого текста


Ответ дал: nunny
Three months ago I joined the programme. I decided to join the society because I want to help wild animals. I believe that every animal has the right to live. Very many people are trying to save animals and birds and fish from death. They organize laboratories where scientists take the animals and their young.
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