Circle the correct item.Circle the correct item.

1) The information is being /
has been looked for at the moment.

2) The documents aren’t being
/ haven’t been delivered yet.

3) The child is being / was
being washed at nine o’clock yesterday.

4) The letters were being /
have been typed by this time.

5) The tourists are being /
have been driven to the airport now.

6) The wedding cake is being /
was being made at that time yesterday.

7) Luckily the building of the
Parliament wasn’t being / hasn’t been destroyed by the hurricane.

8) The patient wasn’t being /
hasn’t been operated on yesterday morning.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1) The information is being looked for at the moment.

2) The documents haven’t been delivered yet.

3) The child was being washed at nine o’clock yesterday.

4) The letters have been typed by this time.

5) The tourists are being driven to the airport now.

6) The wedding cake was being made at that time yesterday.

7) Luckily the building of the Parliament hasn’t been destroyed by the hurricane.

8) The patient wasn’t being operated on yesterday morning.

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