Расставить предложения по порядку. 1Mike likes to go to the park with his Father.2.Mike is afraid of the dog.3/The dog sees the boy and begins to bark. 4 The Father likes to play hockey or ski. 5.One day Mike and his Father want to go to the park.6 Let*s go for a walk to the park, Father says. 7 Suddenly they see a big black dog. 8 Don*t be afraid of thedog says Father. и Перевод


Ответ дал: nadiusha96

Mike likes to go to the park with his Father. The Father likes to play hockey or ski. One day Mike and his Father want to go to the park. Let*s go for a walk to the park, Father says.  Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog sees the boy and begins to bark. Mike is afraid of the dog. Don*t be afraid of the dog says Father.

Майк любит ходить в парк со Своим Отцом. Отец любит играть в хоккей и кататься на лыжах. Однажды Майк и его отец захотели пойти в парк. Давай пойдем погуляем в парке, папа говорит. Вдруг они видят, большую черную собаку.Собака видит мальчика и начинает лаять. Майк боится собаку. Не бойся собаки, говорит отец.

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