1. I usually (not to have) breakfast I (to go) to work.
2. When the door-bell (to ring) he (to stand) up and (to go) to the door.
3. I am awfully tired. I never (to work) so hard in my life.
4. Are you the boy whose dog (to make) a terrible noise at night? - I'm sorry, but you (to be) mistaken, sir. I never (to have) a dog.
5. If it (not to stop) raining we won't be able to go boating tomorrow.
6. What time the children (to come) out of school, as a rule?
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Ответ дал: Zihuatanejo
1. I don't usually have breakfast, I go to work.
2. When the door-bell rang, he stood up and went to the door.
3. I am awfully tired. I have never worked so hard in my life.
4. Are you the boy whose dog was making a terrible noise at night? - I'm sorry, but you are mistaken, sir. I have never had a dog.
5. If it don't stop raining we won't be able to go boating tomorrow.
6. What time do the children come out of school, as a rule?
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