a) Match the words in the two columns.


   A                                                                                            B 

Of bread 
    Bottle                                                                                 Of chocolates
  Piece                                                                                     Of oranges 
 Kilo                                                                                            Of oil   
 Box                                                                                              Of cheese                   Loaf                                                                                                  Of milk         

b) Use words from Ex. 3a to complete the sentences.
1.A: What do you want from the baker's?
   B: Only a ......................... of bread.
 2.A: How much milk do your children drink?
    B: About a ........................ a day.
 3.A: Would you like some bread?
    B: Yes, please. And could I have a .................................... of cheese with that, too?       4.A: My salad is too dry. Where's the ........................ of oil?
    B: On the kitchen table.
 5.A: What are you bringing Elizabeth for her birthday?
    B: A ....................... of chocolates.
 6.A: I'm making a fruit salad. I need apples, bananas...
    B: And about a ......................... of oranges.                                              




Ответ дал: Marie98
carton of milk -2
loaf of bread - 1
kilo of oranges - 6
box of chocolates - 5
piece of cheese - 3
bottle of oil - 4

dog18122000: Спасибо!
dog18122000: :3
Saparbekovaaig: Не то.
Ответ дал: vvictoria312
b) 1. Loaf 2. Carton 3. Piece 4. Bottle 5. Box 6. Kilo
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