Помогите!!!! надо написать 10 предложений на английском языке про свой класс. я учусь в 4 классе. наш класс очень дружный, мы помогаем друг другу. в нашем классе 27 человек и......заранее спасибо!!!!


Ответ дал: cjyzabyrjdcrfz
School is our second home. I often hear it from the teachers. And I agree with them. I like to go to school because here I can learn more about the world around me. I communicate with a big number of people. And this helped me to make new friends. Besides this the school teaches us how to behave correctly with senior people as well as the friends.
Each day in school looks like a magical trip to unknown worlds. I have different lessons like History, Literature, and Math where teacher shows me different pieces of our big world. I like History most of all as in this way I can get to know about the events that took place many years ago. I learnt about big number of persons whose names we remember for today.
Some pupils do not like school as they have certain problems with study. But I think that when you want you can overcome any problems. Moreover the teachers in our school are always very friendly. They always try to help every pupil to understand the material and get the better marks. I can always ask teacher if something is unclear for me. Besides this, teachers are going with us to different museums, exhibitions, parks telling us many interesting things and teaching us to become cultured persons.
Ответ дал: кареглазка2000
The school is a whole Chapter of my life. Here in my class, I spent a lot of time and tight with their odnoklassnikami studying in grade 4. Our class was very amicable. In our class 27 chelovecheskoe this is a whole Chapter of my life. Here in my class, I spent a lot of time and tight with their classmates

кареглазка2000: превод Школа это целая глава моей жизни. Здесь в моём классе я провёл очень много времени и сильно сблизился с своими одноклассниками.я учусь в 4 классе. Наш класс очень дружный. В нашем классе 27 человек.Школа это целая глава моей жизни. Здесь в моём классе я провёл очень много времени и сильно сблизился с своими одноклассниками.
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