Circle the correct answer
1/ I.......an email to my friend yesterday.
A-send  B-sent C-am sending
2/Tim .......my sister last week.
A-am seeing B-see C-saw
3/When did you ......a DVD?
A-rent B-rents C-rented
4/..............Paris last summer?
A-Do they visit  B-Did they visit  C-Did they visited
5/ My parents .......to the theatre last night
A-go  B-are going  C-went
6/Billy ..........at the zooyesterday morning
A-was  B-is  C-were
7/Martha ............watch TV yesterday
A-don"t  B-didn"t  C-doesn"t


Ответ дал: didin2023
1 B. sent
2 C, saw
3 A. rent
4 B. Did they visit
5 C. went
6  A. was
7 b. didn't
Ответ дал: olyalavyagina
1. sent 2. saw 3. rent 4. Did you visit 5. went 6. was 7. didn't
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