К словам в скобках подобрать нужный суффикс или приставку, чтобы подходило по смыслу и вставить на место пропусков. 
1. Mary makes a lot of mistakes. She listens to her teacher ______ (ATTENTIVE).
2. My parents have been to many countries. ______ is their hobby. (TRAVEL)
3. John often argues with abults. He is very _____ (POLITE).
4. Stuart took part in English Literature contest last week. His ______ was perfect. (PRESENT) 
5. I visit St.Peterburg every summer. The ______ of the city is very beautiful. (ARCHITECT)


Ответ дал: northernheart
1 inattentively
2 travelling
3 impolite
4 presentation 
5 architecture 

Ответ дал: didin2023
1 inattentively 
2 traveling 
3 impolite
4 presentation
5 architecture 
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