Use Present or Past Simple
1. He … (go) to Africa in 1995 and he … (like) that trip very much.
2. My sister usually … (like) her steak well-done.
3. The cat … (eat) its toy last evening.
4. The doctor … (talk) to his patient on Monday morning.
5. … they … (have) a test last month?
6. I often … (see) his brother but he never … (speak) to me.
7. The director … (speak) to the employees three hours ago.
8. The man … (domesticate) the dog many years ago.
9. My friend … (spend) a lot of money every day.
10. The woman … (drive) to the shop last Sunday.
11. My parents … (leave) for Paris last Thursday.
12. His brother … (leave) for Tokyo every August.
13. I don’t like my boss because he often … (raise) voice at me.
14. Her mother never … (drink).
15. The cat usually … (leave) its house when it’s thirsty or hungry


Ответ дал: neznajkin
1) went, liked 2) likes 3) ate 4) talked 5) Did.. have 6) see, speaks 7) spoke 8) domesticated 9)spends 10) drove 11) left 12) leaves 13) raises 14) drinks 15) leaves

lol560: ооой спасибо большое ^^
neznajkin: :-)
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