(89) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
He 2) ( walk ) along the beach one day when he 3) (trip) over something and 4) (fall) on the sand.He 5) (not/look) where he was going."What 6) (be) this?"he said,picking up the object he 7) (trip) over."I 8) (never/see) anything like it before. "It was,in fact,a very old oil lamp,and as he 9) (rub) it,a genie suddenly 10) (fly) out of it."You 11) (just/release) me from the lamp!" said the genie. "Now you may have three wishes." "Great" said Sammy who 12) (feel) very thirsty."I 13) (want) a bottle of lemonade that never 14) ( run out )."
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Ответ дал: Cinshihuandi
walking         triped    fell   wasn't looking    is   triped   never saw   rubbed  flew  just relase   fell  want run out
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