1. He ... a good footballer. (be)  2. We ...  at school. (be)  3. The roses ... very beautiful. (be)  4. I ... an interesting book. (have)  5. The sun ... very hot. (be)  6. I ... my lessons very carefully. (do)  7. Elizabeth ... a new dress. (have)  8. The students ... English lessons three times a week. (do)  9. I ... a camera. (have)  10. Harry ... a tennis player. (be)  11.  Tony ...a coat. (have)  12. The children’s hands ... dirty. (be)  13. Mike ... late for school. (be)  14. Ted ... a good swimmer. (be)  15. Ted ... swimming very much. (like)  16. I always ... my homework. (do)  17. I ...go to school by foot. (go)



Ответ дал: m1chael96
1. is.
2. are
3. are
4. have
5. is
6. do
7. has
8. do
9. have
10. is
11. has
12. are
13. is
14. is
16. do
17. go
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