Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple
1. A: What ...... ( you/have ) for breakfast?
B: I ..... ( not/eat ) anything. I just .... ( drink ) a glass of milk.
2. A: How .... ( Terry/get ) to the train station yesterday?
B: He .... ( take ) a taxi.
3. A: Where ... ( you/go ) last night, Julia?
B: I .... ( go ) to a rock concert with my friend, Susan.
4. A: ..... ( you/read ) the book I ...... ( give ) you last week?
B: Yes, it was very interesting.
5. A: What ...... ( Tina/do ) yesterday afternoon?
B: She ..... ( make ) a cake with her mum.


Ответ дал: 2lovely2

1.What did you have for breakfast?

I did not eat anything. I just drank a glass of milk.

2.How did Terry get  to the train station yesterday?

He took a taxi.

3.Where did you go last night, Juliya?

I went to a rock concert with my friend, Susan.

4.Did you read the book given you last week?

Yes,it was very interesting.

5. What did Tina do yesterday afternoon?

She made a cake with her mum.

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