До урока 15часов сделайте пожалуйста



Ответ дал: КотейкаЛалка
1. tour, lose, island, capital, punished, sore, medicine, - (я х.з.), keep fit, competition
2. wonderful, Russian, dangerous, funny, scientific
3. went, isn't cooking, washes, have got, won't eat, did do, do play, won't go, is playing, doesn't write, saw, have cleaned, did walk, is doing, have bought
4. Из того, что видно на фото: 3) b. 4) a
5. which, who, which, who, which
6. a) is eaten, were received, will be sent, was given, are built, will be done
b) The novel "War and Peace" was written by Leo Tolstoy in the nineteenth century.
The circus is visited by a lot of children every year.
This theatre will be reconstructed soon by builders.
Most mysteries will be solved by scientists in future.
A long interview was given by the explorers to the newspaper reporters.
7. Her, mine. Кажется, должно быть вообще your; тогда yours - точно не you. Her, mine. Their. Hers.

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