напишите пожалуйста краткое содержание фильма сонная лощина на английском языке буквально 5-7 предложений


Ответ дал: bossdima99
вот текст он правельный New York, 1799. Ichabod Crane, a young constable sent to the town of Sleepy Hollow to investigate the mysterious murders. All of the victims, as reported by the local population, die by the sword, the Headless Horseman. All of them beheaded and their heads were gone. Crane has to make sure it is not a legend, a terrible truth. It becomes apparent that the killer comes from the world that the crimes involved witches and other evil spirits. Rider can not be killed by a bullet, he wins all the brave men in battle. But what are the motives of crimes? ..
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