Тема о моей улице 10 предложений 


Ответ дал: Риточка120601
My favorite My favorite season is summer. You don't have to go on studies, you do everything you want. The weather usually is sunny or warm, or rainy and cold, so everyone enjoys it! I like reading books, riding a bike, go swimming and diving in the sea. My dad likes going fishing with me in August. Дальше напишите про путешествия:)

Аноним: Each person has the most expensive places in life. For me - this is my father's house , my house, my street . When I was little , my parents got an apartment in a new area outside of Friendship of Peoples . I believe that it is a symbolic name , because it is the friendship between people is the best guarantee of feelings : friendship spills over into love, no friendship without loyalty of friendship begins humanity.
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