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It was a fine spring day. A little bird sat in a tree singing a song. A big grey cat saw the bird. He wanted to eat it.

So he came up to the tree and said, "Good morning, dear! Come down from the tree! Come here! I want to say something to you." "Say what you want. I shall not come down," said the bird. "Do you know that all the animals and birds are good friends now? I like you very much. Come down and play with me," said the cat. "No, thank you," said the clever bird. I  like to stay here, in the tree. From here I can see green fields and forests, beautiful lakes and rivers. Now I see a lot of dogs. They are  running here.”

"Oh, goodbye then. I must run home now." "Why?" said the little bird. "Don't you know that all the animals are good friends now?"

Аноним: а не легче сделать, чем все это переписать??? или ты не переписывала???
nattanatta77: а где глаголы? :)
shurochkina: нужно найти


Ответ дал: shurochkina
be - was\were - been - быть
sit - sat - sat - сидеть
see - saw - seen - видеть
eat - ate - eaten - есть
come - came - come - приходить
say - said - said - говорить
know - knew - known - знать
run - ran - run - бежать

nattanatta77: singing петь подходит?
shurochkina: нет
shurochkina: нет, подходит
nattanatta77: спасибо
shurochkina: sing - sang - sunk
nattanatta77: так подходит или нет
shurochkina: подходит же
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