Ответьте на вопросы:
1.Where are cars usually fixed?
2.Where will the next Olympic Games be held?
3.Who are Oscars usually awarded to?
4.What are you not allowed to do at school?
5.What were you given for your birthday last year?
6.What will you be given for your next birthday?
Ответ:I'll probably
Прошу помогите)Срочно надо((


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1.Where are cars usually fixed?

They are usually fixed in car workshops.

2.Where will the next Olympic Games be held?

They will be held in Tokyo, Japan.

3.Who are Oscars usually awarded to?

They are usually awarded to actors, film directors, producers, cameramen and other people who make films.

4.What are you not allowed to do at school?

I'm not allowed to play games on my mobile phone.

5. What were you given for your birthday last year?

I was given a mobile phone.

6.What will you be given for your next birthday?

I'll probably be given a new bike.

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