2.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses

1. When the telephone … (ring), I … (just/close) my eyes.

2. When I … (see) her, I suddenly… (realise) that we (meet) before.

3.I … (spend) all my childhood in the country. When I … (be) very young, we ...(live) in a small house by the sea and I ...(play) every day on the beach in the summer holidays.

4.I … (phone) Kate at eight in the morning but she … (already/leave).

5.I … (just/give up) hope when I … (receive) a telegram saying I …(win) first prize.

6. We … (go) to bed at nine o'clock as soon as we … (crawl into) our tents.

7. We … (just/sit down) to dinner when the downpour … (begin).


Ответ дал: yanacharovnica
1. Rang, i have just close 2 saw, realized, met 3 spent, was, lived, played 4 phoned, had already left 5 I have just given up, received, had wan 6 went, crawled into 7 have just sit ten down, begen За Написание гл не ручаюсь
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