Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the past simple and past perfect.
1. That ___was___ (be) the first time I hod met (meet) her.
2. We _____ (not be) hungry because we _____(eat) lunch already.
3. Everyone ______ (go) to bed when I _______ (get) home.
4. We ______ (arrive) late but luckily the film _____ (not start).
5. They _______ (take) my plate away but I _____(not finish) eating!
6 _____ Jon _____(see) the film before? Yes - he _____(see) it last week.


Ответ дал: kisska69
Were not / had eaten
Had gone / got
Arrived/ had not started
Took/had not finished
Had john seen / saw
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