Переведите слова в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous Passive

1)Such kind of mistake (make) by even wise people.
2)A pleasant melode (play) when she appeared in the living-room.
3)Every time our parents (tell) what we should do.
4)The ancient tower (build) of stone.
5)Everyone was glad, the problem (resolve).
6)Two days ago she (meet) in the market.
7)I (invite) to the club by Jim.
8)When I was young, I (teach) English.


Ответ дал: Werrina
1) Such kind of mistake was made by even wise people.
2) A pleasant melody was being played when she appeared in the living-room.
3) Every time our parents were told what we should do.
4) The ancient tower was built of stone.
5) Everyone was glad, the problem was resolved.
6) Two days ago she was met in the market.
7) I was invited to the club by Jim.
8) When I was young, I was being taught English.
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