Вставьте глагол в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple or to be going to.
1) Tom ... (work) tomorrow because it's Sunday.
2) If you translate this article into Russian, I  ... (use) it in my report.
3) The bus for Perm ... (arrive) at 5 o'clock.
4) I ... (stay) in a three star hotel in London.
5) Alice ... (play) chess tomorrow.
6) I promisr I ... (work) harder next year.
7) She ... (study) English here next year.
 переведите на английский:
1) ты поможешь мне завтра с домашним заданием?
2) я думаю, завтра будет солнечно
3) мы собираемся в кино на следующей неделе.


Ответ дал: lusyjo
1) won't work
2) will use
3) arrives
4) stay
5) will play
6) will work
7) will study

1) Will you help me with my homework tomorrow?
2) I think, it will be sunny tomorrow.
3) We are going to the cimena next week.
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