Ex. 1 Say what these people had just done when it started raining.
Скажи, что эти люди сделали к тому времени, когда начался дождь.

Example: Mr. Robinson/ to put his car into the garage.
Mr. Robinson had just put his car into the garage when it started raining.

1. Larry / to leave his office.
2. Bobby / to get on a bus.
3. Mr. Newman / to enter the shop.
4. Dan / to decide to go for a walk.
5. Ms. Forester / to come out into the garden.
6. The Trembles / to finish supper.
7. Charles / to turn on the television.
8. Sharon / to clean the floors.
9. Lizzy / to wash her sweater.
10. Mr. Mole / to start working in the garden.


Ответ дал: IGTSpace
1)  Larry had just left his office when it started raining.
2) Bobby had just got on a bus when it started raining.
3) Mr. Newman had just entered the shop when it started raining.
4) Dan had just decieded to go for a walk when it started raining.
5) Ms. Forester  had just came out into the garden when it started raining.
6) The Trembles had just finished supper when it started raining.
7) Charles had just turned on the television when it started raining.
8. Sharon had just cleaned the floors when it started raining.
9. Lizzy had just washed her sweater when it started raining.
10. Mr. Mole had just started working in the garden when it started raining.
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