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1 . "Have you ever been to France?"
"Yes, I_____ there last August"
had been;went;have been were.2. It's a small town in the south ____ England .-;from;to;of.3. Couldn't you go a little faster? I'm _______ a hurry.on;in;at;of.4. I usually wear skirts, but today I ______ trousers.wears;wear;wearing;am wearing.5. It's Mr Smith, ______ ?isn't it;isn't he;is it;is not it.6. One of my neighbours has _____ me to tea.invited;pleased;suggested;welcomed.7. I'm _____ in the news.exciting;interesting;interested;interest.8. Can we ______ at your house and go to the party together?come;see;find;meet.9. How can I _____ to the post-office?reach;get;find;arrive.10. "Must I take my umbrella?" "No, you ____ It's not going to rain."mustn't;needn't;have to;don't.11 . I think John ____ translate this document.have to;will have;has;will have to.12. I was a bit worried because I thought I might ______ my train.be late;not reach;lose;miss.13. I _____ breakfast when the phone rang.had;have;am having;was having.14 This car is more _____ than that one .fast;faster;modem;fastest.15. She hasn't written to me ___ we met last time.since;ago;for;before16. This question is ____ difficult for me.too;to;enough;such.17. This record-shop ____ be a book-shop a few years ago.use;used to;used;had.18. She doesn't like ____ television.looking;watch;watching;see.19. He arrived _____ you were asleep.during;for;while;until.20. Mr Smith woke up in the middle of the night. He could hear _____ his garden.anybody;everywhere;someone;anything


Ответ дал: ElskerNorge
1 . "Have you ever been to France?" "Yes, I went there last August.2. It's a small town in the south of England 3. Couldn't you go a little faster? I'm in a hurry.4. I usually wear skirts, but today I am wearing trousers.5. It's Mr Smith, isn't it6. One of my neighbours has invited me to tea.7. I'm interested in the news.8. Can we meet at your house and go to the party together?9. How can I get to the post-office?10. "Must I take my umbrella?" "No, you needn't It's not going to rain.11. I think John will have to translate this document.12. I was a bit worried because I thought I might miss my train.13. I was having breakfast when the phone rang.14This car is more modern than that one.15. She hasn't written to me since we met last time.16. This question is too difficult for me.17. This record-shop used to be a book-shop a few years ago.18. She doesn't like watching television.19. He arrived while you were asleep.20. Mr Smith woke up in the middle of the night. He could hear someone in his garden.
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