Complete the
conversation. Use some, any or no.


A: I’m making ___________coffee. Would you like

B: No, thanks. I’m going shopping. What do we need?

A: Well. We haven’t got ___________bread.

B: Have we got _____________cheese?

A: No, we haven’t. And there aren’t __________eggs.

B: Is there ___________tea left?

A: No, there’s ____________tea. And we haven’t got

B: Right. Bread, cheese, eggs, tea and rice.

A: Have you got enough money?

B: I’ve got_______________, but not much. Can you lend
me ___________?


Ответ дал: Werrina
A: I’m making some coffee. Would you like some?
B: No, thanks. I’m going shopping. What do we need?
A: Well. We haven’t got any bread.
B: Have we got any cheese?
A: No, we haven’t. And there aren’t any eggs.
B: Is there any tea left?
A: No, there’s no tea. And we haven’t got any rice.
B: Right. Bread, cheese, eggs, tea and rice.
A: Have you got enough money?
B: I’ve got some, but not much. Can you lend me some?
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