раскройте скобки, употребите глаголы в future simple,continuous, perfect

1)They (to leave) for work before the children get home from school

2)We (not to be) at the seaside next summer

3)By this time next year she (to write) her diploma work

4)When we arrive , Kate (to wait) for us

5) We hope you (to finish) this article by the end of the week

6)We (to clean) our flat  all snorting and then  we (to go) to the cinema

7)We (not to have) dinner when our uncle comes

8)She (to finish) her experimental work by the end of the month?

9)I hope Jane (to write) excellent composition next lesson

10)When the manager enters the office , his secretary (to type) some letters


Ответ дал: Blondik05
Не уверена)
1 will have left
2 will not be being
3 will write
4 will be waiting
5 will finish
6 will have cleaned, will go
7 will not be having
8 will finish
9 will be writing
10 will type
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