Помогите пожалуйста!! Очень нужноо!
задание: составить специальные вопросы к тексту 
заранее большое спасибо 


bizon40: Сколько надо?
alexandrnekras: сколько сможешь. ну не меньше 7


Ответ дал: bizon40
1 How many cinemas were there in the town?
2 How much did the film cost in the first cinema?
3 What did the tramp look like?
4 What was the tramp's name?
5 When and where was Charlie Chaplin born?
6 When did the real success come to Chaplin?
7 Why was he so popular?
8 Who was Chaplin's mother?
9 How old was Charlie when his mother broke her voice?
10 What did he do to help his family?

alexandrnekras: большое тебе спасибо)
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