3. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.Last night I (have) a wonderful dream(1). This is what I (dream)(2). We(take) a trip to Hawaii(3). I (be) with my family and two of my friends(4).We (be) on a ship (5) and we (travel) to Honolulu (6). On the ship there (be)a disco (7). We (sit) on nice comfortable seats (8) and (drink) exoticcocktails (9) lost of people (dance) (10) and the music (play) loudly (11)
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Ответ дал: galina572319

Last night I had a wonderful dream. This is what I (dreamt). We (took) a trip to Hawaii. I (was) with my family and two of my friends. We (were) on a ship and we (were travelling) to Honolulu. On the ship there (was) a party. We (were sitting) on nice comfortable seats and we (were drinking) exotic juices. Lots of people (were dancing) and the music (was playing) loudly. We (had) a lot of fun! When the ship (arrived) in Honolulu a man (was waiting) to take us to our hotel. The hotel where we (were staying) was by a beach with palm trees.

...(were singing) and (dancing) to the music. The music (was getting) louder and louder until I (heard) a ringing sound. It (was) my alarm clock! It (was) 7 o'clock and time to get up for school.

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