Insert the modal verbs “can”, “may”, or “must”.

1. Schools
in Canada … be divided into public, private and Catholic.

2. Education
is compulsory in Canada. Children from the age of 6-7 till 15-16 … attend

3. If a
student achieves good results in a subject he … get a higher degree.

4. According
to the law students … choose subjects to study.

5. If middle
class parents have enough money they … send their kids to elite schools.

6. In
private schools parents … pay for education.                                           

7. Having
great success in study students … get grants.


Insert the following sentences with the modal verb “may” or “can”.

1. I … solve
all the problems tomorrow if nobody disturbs me any more.

2. What time
is it now? – It … be about 3 p.m., but I’m not sure.

3. I …
offer you my help.

4. The
supermarket is quite large and anyone who likes … buy foodstuffs there.

5. You …
increase the production if you are not afraid of competition.

6. … our
firm use the available resources?

7. … we
command the owner rights?

8. You …
explain us the advantages of a market economy: you are skilled enough.

9. Take your
credit card with you. The purchase … be rather expensive.

10. You’ve
scratched the only surface, it … not clarify the economic situation in the


Ответ дал: bizon40
1 can 2 must 3 can 4 may 5 can 6 must 7 can
1 can 2 may 3 can 4 can 5 can 6 may 7 can 8 can 9 can 10 can
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