Change the following sentences to use the subjunctive mood.

1. Helen doesn’t sing or play the violin, so she can’t take part in the concert.
2. The crew doesn’t train for the competition. They’ll lose.
3. I am not happy because my favourite team doesn’t score.
4. The police don’t work well, so thieves steal children’s bikes.
5. People don’t go in for sport and they often fall ill.
6. Bob doesn’t train Hard and he can’t set a record.
7. I don’t have money and I can’t buy skates.

Аноним: что нужно делать
АртурRnD: написано же, надо изменить данные предложения в Subjunctive mood , то есть переделать их


Ответ дал: raverina
1. If Helen sang or played the violin, she would be able to take part in the concert.
2. If the crew trained for the competition, they wouldn't loose.
3. If my favourite team scored, I would be happy.
4. If the police worked well, thieves wouldn't steal children's bikes.
5. If people went in for sports, they wouldn't fall ill so often.
6. If Bob trained hard, he would be able to set a record.
7. If i had money, I would be able to buy skates.
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