Заполните пропуски правильной формой выраженияto be going to и раскройте скобки:

1. I _ (buy) anew house next month.
2. When _(you/tidy) your bedroom? It is very necessary.
3. Bob _ (play) football on Saturday because he has hurt his leg.
4. Barry and Jason _ (visit) their grandparents on Sunday.
5. _ (Denis/appear) in the TV series?
6. Monica _ (sing) in the concert.
7. I _ (walk) to college today. I’ll take a bus.
8. _ (you/help) me wash the dishes after lunch?


Ответ дал: Yusif17
1 am going to buy
2 are you going to tidy
3 isnt going to play
4 are going to visit
5 is Denis going to appear
6 is going to sing
7 am going to walk
8 are you going to help
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