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The famous composer Rakhmaninov was also a very
good pianist. When he was a small boy he was asked to play at a home party at
their friends' place. Though he was only eight he was quite experienced in
playing the piano and did it well. At that concert he was to play one of
Beethoven's sonatas. It must be mentioned that there are several very long
intervals in that sonata. In each of these intervals the boy took his hands off
the keyboard and waited. During one of these intervals the old mother of the
hostess came up to him and said, "My boy, why don't you play something
that you know very well?"


1. Why did the boy stop playing several times?

2. Did the old lady know Beethoven's music


Ответ дал: raverina
1. The boy stopped playing several times because there were long intervals in the sonata.
2. No, she didn't. The old lady didn't know Beethoven's music well.
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