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Cuckoos (not build)
nests. They (use) the nests of other birds.You can’t see Tom
now: he (have) a bath.I lit the fire at
6.00 and it (burn) brightly when Tom came in at 7.00.I didn’t want to
meet Paul so when he entered the room I (leave).I (fly) over Loch
Ness last week. ~ You (see) the Loch Ness monster?I (not see) him for
three years. I wonder where he is.I can’t understand
this letter. ~ I (call) my son. He (translate) it for you.


Ответ дал: raverina
don't build, use, is having, was burning, left, flew, have you seen, haven't seen, will call, will translate

ViktorijaProkh: Огромное вам спасибо!!!Очень помогли!
raverina: Пожалуйста)
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