прилагательные и наречия, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения:

1.      My brother is much … than myself

2.      The opera theatre is one of …
buildings in the city (beautiful).

3.      The sound grew …and … (faint).

4.      The party was not so … as I had
expected (gay).

5.      I have no one … than you (near).

6.      What is the … news (late)?

7.      Yesterday I came home … than usual

8.      Ann sings far … than Nina (well).

9.      I like this picture … of all (well).


Ответ дал: nunny
1.      My brother is much … than myself (younger).
2.      The opera theatre is one of … buildings in the city (the most beautiful).
3.     The sound grew …and … (fainter and fainter).
4.      The party was not so … as I had expected (gay).
5.      I have no one … than you (nearer).
6.      What is the … news (latest)?
7.      Yesterday I came home … than usual (later).
8.      Ann sings far … than Nina (better).
9.      I like this picture … of all (best).

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