задание 7.9 помогите пожалуйсто


KIRO16: откуда
KIRO16: ты тупой
KIRO16: как и я
Аноним: а вот и нетакои и тупой
Аноним: раз у меня 307 балов и я хорошист
KIRO16: а задачки детские наверно решаеш за первый класс
Аноним: да хз на всё пишу ответы а за товай мне дали 17 балов
raverina: Часть задания не видно на фото. Какие предлоги там написаны?
KIRO16: aboue.across.around.at.behind.from.ifrom of. in.imto.on.out of.over.through.to.under
KIRO16: вот все предлоги


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. There is a garden behind our house.

2. The bridge is across the river.

3. All students are at the lesson now.

4. Where are the boys? They are in the park.

5. Our flat is in the centre.

6. There was a lamp above the table.

7. He will sit in front of you.

8. Usually we go to the college together.

9. He came out of the house.

10. I come home from school very late.

11. Take my book from him, please.

12. Come into the room.

13. He took us around the forest.

14. Children, take your books out of your bags and put them on the tables.

15. The box was under the bed.

16. He looks through the window.

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