Give a general guestion,a guestion to the underlined part of the sentence and  two negative sentences to each of the statements.
1)There were six oranges on the plate.
2)The dragon had some urgent information.
3)There is some gold in the pirate"s cave.
4)Usually witches have got brooms.
5)There will be a bus strike tomorrow.


Ответ дал: bizon40
1) Were there six oranges on the plate?
How many oranges were there on the plate?
There weren't six oranges on the plate. 
2) Did the dragon have any urgent information?
What information did the dragon have?
The dragon didn't have any urgent information.
3) Is there any gold in the pirate"s cave?
How much gold is there in the pirate's cave?
There isn't any gold in the pirate"s cave.
4)Have witches usually got brooms?
Who has usually got brooms?
Witches haven't usually got brooms.
5) Will there be a bus strike tomorrow?
What will be tomorrow?
There won't be a bus strike tomorrow.

В задании написано, что нужно два отрицания составить к каждому предложению. Поясните, каким должно быть второе отрицание?

alyona20107: с отрицанием no
bizon40: There is no oranges on the plate
bizon40: The dragon has no urgent information
bizon40: There is no gold in pirate's cave
bizon40: Usually witches have no brooms
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