1. By the end of the year. Ms. Kahn ____ here for twenty years.
A.    has worked B. is going to work C. will have worked D. will work
2. How long ___ each other before they  got  engaged?
A. have Tony and Carol known  B. had Tony and Carol known C. do Tony and Carol know D. did Tony and Carol know
3. She ________ a few minutes ago that she was getting a big promotion.
A. was finding B. has found out C. would find out D. found out
4. I hope you'll remember to call your parents when you _____ in Manila.
A. are arriving  B. arrive C. 'll be arriving D. 'll arrive
5. I'll bet you did not hear a word I said. What  ______ about?
A. have  you thought   B.  did you think C. have you been  thinking D. do you think
6. By the time I ____  this, I will have written a total of eight postcards!
A. am finishing B. will finish  C. will have finished D. finish
7. Tiffany inherited a lot of money, so now she ____ work.
A. can not B. does not  have to C. is not used to  D.  must not 
8. Kay______ really sick. She always comes to class, even when she has a slight cold.
A. should be B.  is C. could be D.  must be 
9. Smith has two children, and she treats____ child the same way.
A. each B. both C. either D.  neither
10. _____ of the city will speak at the meeting.
A. The mayor B. Mayor C. A mayor D.  Mayors




Ответ дал: Werrina
1. C. will have worked
2. B. had Tony and Carol known
3. D. found out
4. B. arrive
5. C. have you been  thinking
6. D. finish
7. B. does not have to
8. D.  must be
9. C. either
10. A. The mayor
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