Помогите перевести под юуквой c и d



Ответ дал: Werrina
1)    I don't want to go to the country at all.
2) I'm quite free now and I can go to the cinema with you.
3) I can't swim at all.
4) My dad is quite an old man. How old is he? He is 75 years old.
 5) Your daughter can't stay in the sun at all.
6) This translation isn't difficult at all.
7) I am quite healthy.
8) Excuse me, I don't know you at all.

1. My son also plays the piano. / My son plays the piano too.
2. Did you also pass all the exams last week?
3. Parents don't receive letters from him either.
4. Will you return in late September too? / Will you also return in late September?
5. They do not like to sunbathe either.
6. We are not going to the holiday house this year either.
 7. I do not advise you to go to watch this movie either.
 8. My friends won't go to the country on Saturday and Sunday either because their daughter is quite ill.
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