Помогите переделать предложения в Passive Voice!!!
( срочно, пожалуйста!!!)
1) He offered me a chair.
2) They have just shown me a new magazine.
3) They will send for the doctor immediateiy.
4) Did everybody listen to her alltentively?
5) We form the passive voise with the help of the verb " to be ".
6) he will translate this book into Russian next yahr.
7) They must learn English words every day.
8) They had done every thing before we came.
9) They are discussing this problem now.
10) When he switched on the radio they were broadcasting a very interesting programme

fargoopti: А где сами предложения?
kozlovami21: написала!
nzm00: a chair was offered me by him


Ответ дал: Werrina
1) a chair was offered me by him.
2) a new magazine has been shown me . ИЛИ I have been shown a new magazine.
3)  the doctor will be sent immediateiy.
4) Was she listened by  everybody atltentively?
5) the passive voice is formed with the help of the verb " to be ".
6) this book will be translated by him into Russian next year.
7) English words must be learnt every day.
8) everything had been done before we came.
9) this problem is being discussed now.
10) When he switched on the radio a very interesting programme was being broadcast
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