a Complete the spaces with have, go ,or get.
1) First Moira Macalla , from Dundee in Scotland.I __ up at 7.30 and I make the breakfast for my children to school. then i __shopping. I go to the supermarket and buy food and thing for the house . When I__ home i make the beds and clean the house . I___ shower before I pick up the children from school at four o`clock . In the evening we ___ dinner and watch television . I ___ to bed at 10.30 because I`m very tired.
2) Eve Standish is from Bristol in South West England.
I___ up at 10 o`clock and ___ fruit and an orange juice for breakfast . Then I ___ a bath and get dressed . At 11.30 I meet my friends in the city centre . First we___ a coffee , and then we __ shopping . We usually __ lunch at about one o`clock in a restaurant in town . In the afternoon we sometimes ___ to the gym. When I ___ home , I ___ a drink with my husband. In the evening we ___ to the theatre or ti nightclub. I normally ___ to bed very late.
b) Write questions about Moira or Eve .
1 What time does Moira get up ?
She gets up at 7.30
2 Does Eve have breakfast ?
Yes , she does . She has fruit and orange juice.
3___________________ in the morning?
No, she doesn`t . She has a shower in the afternoon .
4 Where____________________________ ?
She meets her friends in the city centre.
5 What ___________________________?
She has dinner and watches television.
6 What time ____________________ ?
She goes to bed at 10.30
No , goes doesn`t . She goes to bed late.


Ответ дал: GreiSSon
1) Get, go, get, have, have, go
2) Get, have, have, have, go, have, go, get, have, go, go

 3) Does Moira have a shower in the morning?
4) Where does Eve meet her friends?
5) What do Eve and her children do in the evening?
6) What time does Eve go to bed?

7) Я немного не понял вопроса, там какая - то околесица)
в ''b'' задании не совсем уверен, давно такого не делал
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