Заполнить пропуски.

1.Заполните пропуски в предложении. He asks how long … at this company? Выберите один ответ: -she had been working -has she been working -she has been working -had she been working
    2.Заполните пропуски в предложении. Tom said that his wife … . Выберите один ответ: -already came -had already come -has already come -had already come  
 3.Заполните пропуски в предложении. How long … for my brother? Выберите один ответ: -were you waiting -have you waited -have you been waiting -you have been waiting 4.Заполните пропуски в предложении. By the time we … home, she … cards with friends since the very morning. Выберите один ответ: -got, will play -get, will have played -get, will have been playing -have got, will be playing   5.Заполните пропуски в предложении. Since when … at this factory? Выберите один ответ: -did you work -you have worked -have you been working -was you working   6.Заполните пропуски в предложении. The specialist said that he … English in 1991. Выберите один ответ: -begun learning -had begun learning -has begun learning -began learning   7.Заполните пропуски в предложении. Tom asked if … for his brother? Выберите один ответ: -had we been waiting -we had been waiting -we were waiting -we have been waiting   8.Заполните пропуски в предложении. The students say that … a lot of books lately. Выберите один ответ: -they had been reading -they have read -they have been reading -they read   9.Заполните пропуски в предложении. Ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock. Выберите один ответ: -has been reading -had been reading -had read -have been reading 10.Заполните пропуски в предложении. She … the work. Выберите один ответ: -has just finished -just has finished -has just been finishing -had just finished   11.Заполните пропуски в предложении. Ann asked the worker since when … at this factory? Выберите один ответ: -he had been worked -has he been working -he had been working -have you been working   12.Заполните пропуски в предложении. By the 5-th of July Ann … her new text-book. Выберите один ответ: -will have written -will be writing -will write -will have been writing   13.Заполните пропуски в предложении. He asked us … since early morning? We answered that we … for the examination. Выберите один ответ: -what had you been doing here, have been preparing -what you have been doing there, have prepared -what we had been doing there, had been preparing -what have you been doing here, had prepared   14.Заполните пропуски в предложении. By Friday we … for two days. Выберите один ответ: -shall walk -shall have walked -shall be walking -shall have been walking   15.Заполните пропуски в предложении. … at this company since 2007? Выберите один ответ: -she has been working -has she been working -was she working -has she worked   16.Заполните пропуски в предложении. What … here since early morning? – I … for my examination. Выберите один ответ: -you have been doing, was preparing -have you been doing, have been preparing -you have done, have prepared -have you done, have been preparing   17.Заполните пропуски в предложении. She … English in 1991. Выберите один ответ: -begins teaching -began teaching -begun teaching -has begun teaching   18.Заполните пропуски в предложении. Ann … the newspaper since five o'clock. Выберите один ответ: -was reading -has been reading -has read -have read   19.Заполните пропуски в предложении. When the meeting …, they … here yet. Выберите один ответ: -will be staring, will have been come -will start, will have been coming -starts, will have come -start, will be coming   20.Заполните пропуски в предложении. Before these students … to the competition the coach … them for 6 months. Выберите один ответ: -will go, will have been trained -will have gone, will have been training -go, will train -go, will have been training   21.Заполните пропуски в предложении. I … a lot of books lately. Выберите один ответ: -have read -have been reading -was reading -read   22.Заполните пропуски в предложении. He … . Выберите один ответ: -already has come -have been already coming -has come already -has already come   23.Заполните пропуски в предложении. Before Ann … for Spain we … at the project for 14 days. Выберите один ответ: -will leave, will be working -will have left, will have worked -leaves, shall have been working -leave, will have been working   24.Заполните пропуски в предложении. By the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years. Выберите один ответ: -will have worked -will work -will have been working -will been working   25.Заполните пропуски в предложении. Next year he… here. Выберите один ответ: -will not work -will not works -will not have been working -will not be working

Werrina: Это перевести на английский нужно? Или это задание по русскому?
Аноним: нужно составить верное предложение...
Аноним: к каждому предложению 4 варианта ответа... точнее нужно дополнить каждое предложение .


Ответ дал: Werrina
1. He asks how long … at this company. she has been working
2. Tom said that his wife … . had already come
3. How long … for my brother? have you been waiting
4. By the time we … home, she … cards with friends since the very morning. -get, will have been playing
5. Since when … at this factory? have you been working
6. The specialist said that he … English in 1991. had begun learning
7. Tom asked if … for his brother. we had been waiting
8. The students say that … a lot of books lately. they have read
9. Ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock. had been reading
10. She … the work. has just finished
11. Ann asked the worker since when … at this factory? he had been working
12. By the 5-th of July Ann … her new text-book. will have written
13. He asked us … since early morning? We answered that we … for the examination. what we had been doing there, had been preparing
14. By Friday we … for two days. shall have been walking
15. … at this company since 2007? has she been working
16. What … here since early morning? – I … for my examination. have you been doing, have been preparing
17. She … English in 1991. began teaching
18. Ann … the newspaper since five o'clock. has been reading
19. When the meeting …, they … here yet. starts, will have come
20. Before these students … to the competition the coach … them for 6 months. go, will have been training
21. I … a lot of books lately. have read
22. He … . has already come
23. Before Ann … for Spain we … at the project for 14 days. leaves, shall have been working
24. By the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years. will have been working
25. Next year he… here. will not work

Аноним: Werrina, СПАСИБО!!!
Werrina: Not at all ))
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