I. a)
Phrasal Verbs
Match the verbs with the prepositions to make phrasal verbs
go grow give carry wash put pick throw cut stay up(5) on out(2) down away
Use them correctly.
Complete the following sentences with the phrasal verbs from task “a’.
1. Large companies___ the trees for valuable hardwood.
2. Don’t____ things away. Use them in another way.
3. Litter collectors____ all the litter near cafes and restaurants.
4. Let’s put up a notice about a football club.
5. He usually ___ after dinner.
6. Students must ___ all the necessary work at the lesson.
7. He ____ watching horror films before going to bed.
8. He wants to be a pilot when he____.
9. She always ____ about her school problems.
10. My mother doesn’t allow me to ____ so late.


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
go on
grow up
give up
carry out
wash up
put up
pick up
throw away
cut down
stay out
1.  cut down 
2. Don’t throw things away. 
3. pick up 
4. put up .
5. washes up 
6.  carry out 
7.  gave up 
8. grows up.
9. goes on 
10. to stay out 
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