В некоторых заданиях правильно, в некоторых не правильно. Исправьте при необходимости. Помогите пожалуйста
I not write many letters. I usually use the telephone - 
What Sue usually have for lunch? - 
How much do these apples cost? - 
Charlie plaies basketball but he doesn't enjoys it -
I am not stay at home on Sundays -
Mag and her sister doesn't live in Rome -
That hotel isn't expensive - 
Do you little brother often crys? -


Ответ дал: Корнелиус
I do not write many letters.
 I usually use the telephone 
What does Sue usually have for lunch? 
How much do these apples cost? 
Charlie plays basketball but he doesn't enjoy it 
I do not  stay at home on Sundays 
Mag and her sister do not  live in Rome 
That hotel isn't expensive 
Does your little brother often cry? 
Ответ дал: Werrina
I don't write many letters. I usually use the telephone
What does Sue usually have for lunch?
How much do these apples cost? –
Charlie plays basketball but he doesn't enjoy it
I do not stay at home on Sundays -
Mag and her sister don't live in Rome -
That hotel isn't expensive –
Does you little brother often cry

Корнелиус: Does you little brother often cry?
Корнелиус: Вы и не заметили, что нужно указать your ))
Werrina: Проморгала )
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