Задание 4.Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.Example:In September we usually ... mushrooms.(gather) My granny makes a delicious mushroom soup!- In September we usually gather mushrooms.
1.The family often ... a barbecue in the garden in summer.(have)
2.Where is Tom?-He is upstairs.He ...his e-mail.(check)
3.What ... you ... under the sofa , Sam? - Sh-sh.(do)
4.She ... not ... Maths.Her favorite subjects are History and Literature.(like)
5.Mum is in the kitchen. She ... a birthday cake for Ann.(make)
6.What ... he ... for his unusual experiment?(need)


Ответ дал: Аноним
1 have
2 he is checking
3 what are you doing
4 doesn't like
5 she is making 
6 what does he need

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