Напишите предложения с Present Perfect и с for and since

1. I/live here/two months
2. I/work here/over 2 years
3. We/help thousands of young people/1998
4. I/know Peter/last April
5. They/not go/to the beach/ they arrived
6. We/be/here/3 hours


Ответ дал: Аноним
1. I have lived here for two months.
2. I have been working here over 2 years.
3. We've been helping thousands of young people since 1998.
4. I've known Peter since last April.
5. They haven't gone to the beach since they arrived.
6. We've been here for 3 hours.
Ответ дал: Аноним
1 I have lived here for two month.
2 I have worked here for two years.
3 We have helped thousands of young people since 1998.
4 I have known Peter since last April.
5 They have not gone to the beach since they arrived.
6 We have been here for 3 hours.
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