7предложений о том что я хотела бы сделать в будущем(к примеру кто то там лекарство от спида и рака создаст,кто то бороться с загрязнением будет,кто то планету спасет. помогите плизз


Ответ дал: аралымж

What I woul do in the future...

1) At first, I would think about global problems of our world. I would like to change fossil fuels of our cars, or maybe change our traditional vecihles on electromobiles.

2) Secondly, I want to do some reforms in medicine. I would discover ways of treating illnesses, such as tb, cancer, aids.

3) Also, I want all the people to look better, so I would change something in plastic surgery. All the people would love themselves.

4) I want to provide all people of our planet with natural, clean water, especially people in poor countries.

5) Nowadays, millions of animals are on the brink of extinction, so I want to forbid hunters kill animals.

6)I would provide people with good, natural food, everybidy would be slim and healthy.

7) There wouldnt be any wars in the world and everybody would be happy. Let"s hope everything be OK in real.


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