Translate words in brackets into English.1. (Неделю назад) we wrote a dictation in English.2. (Недавно) the children went to the cinema.3. The boys played football in the yard (вчера).4. (Прошлое воскресенье) went to the village to see our grandmother.5. ( Давно) my grandparents lived in the town of Minsk.

пожалуйста помогите!!


Ответ дал: tomfelton123
1 We wrote a dictation in English a week ago
2 Recently the children went to the cinema.
3 The boys played football in the yard yesterday.
(В этом (4) предложении не хватает подлежащего, проверь не забыла ли его))
4 ...went to the village to see our grandmother last Sunday.
5 My grandmother lived in the town of Minsk long ago.

lauraberlin: там наверно подлежащее Он) сможете еще сделать это?
lauraberlin: Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense.
1. He (to come) to school after the first lesson yesterday.
2. The weather (to be) cold last week.
3. When I (to be) a little girl I (to spend) summer in the village.
4. Why did you (to return) so late home yesterday?
5. I (to get) two good marks in English two days ago.
6. The children did not (to study) English two days ago.
7. Where (to be) you at three o’clock p.m. yesterday? I (to be) at home.
tomfelton123: 1 He came to school after the first lesson yesterday.
2 The weather was cold last week.
tomfelton123: 3 When I were a little girl I spent summer in the village.
tomfelton123: 4 Why did you returned so late home yesterday?
tomfelton123: 5 I got two good marks in English two days ago.
tomfelton123: 6 The children did not study English two days ago. 7 Where were you at three o’clock p.m. yesterday? I was at home.
tomfelton123: в 3 я наврал там
tomfelton123: I was
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