вставить пропущенные : Have,was,were 
"...you ever been to the Kremlin?"- Of course,we... .We ... there last Sunday"
"My little sister ... not been  to the zoo yet."
"...your little sister ... not been there?"- "Yes,he ... .He ... at the zoo last  week-
end.But I ... not been there for ages.Let(на верху запятая)s all go together.It(запятая)s
worth visiting in May"
They ... already been to the museum.They ... there last month.


Ответ дал: vipkaralek
Нужно просто определить какого числа существительное, стоящее перед глаголом was/were.

1)was.2)were.3)were, was.4)was.5)was.6)were.
Ответ дал: Аноним
Have you ever been to the Kremlin? - Of course,we have .We were there last Sunday"
"My little sister has not been to the zoo yet."
"your little sister has not been there?"- "Yes,she hasn't .She was at the zoo last weekend.But I have not been there for ages.Let's all go together.It's
worth visiting in May"
They have. already been to the museum.They were there last month.
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