Помогите, пожалуйста, срочно нужно завтра сдать!!!
Complete the text with one from each box in the correct form.come find look keep stay turn write
up up into out out on down

He thought for a long time and finally _____ __ with an idea.

At the end of the book, the boy ____ ____ to be the woman's lost son.

My friend always ____ ____ late before an exam and is always tired.

You can do it. Come on! ____ ____ trying!

Where's that telephone number? I ____ it ____ on a piece of paper.

Don't do it! You know our teacher always ____ ____ who it was.

In Science lessons this week, we are _____ ____ the effects of sunlight on 


Ответ дал: АидаАкуева
1) came up 2) turned out 3) stays up 4) keep out 5) wrote down 6) finds out 7) looking into
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