Ex.18  Опровергните утверждения.

My mother gets up at 7 o’clock but I
.........  . 2) I like cartoons but my
dad ...........   . 3) We watch horror
films but they  ......   . 4) My sisters like to read but I
............  . 5) We like apples but my
friend ...........  . 6) I go to school
every day but Tolya  .............  .


Ответ дал: Аноним
1 don't
2 doesn't
3 don't
4 don't
5 doesn't
6 doesn't
Ответ дал: MilanaKV
I don't get up at 7 o'clock
Dad doesn't like cartoons
They aren't watch horror film
I don't like read a book
Tolya doesn't go to school every day
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