1.He always gets up 7 o`clock
2.They had a P.E. lesson yesterday.
3.Children usually play tennis on Sundays.

Т.е должно получиться 6 предложений.


Ответ дал: vangeineVanGeine
1 He doesn't always get up at 7 o'clock.
Does he get up at 7 o'clock?
2 They hadn't a P.E. lesson yesterday.
Did thay have a P.E. lesson yesterday?
3 Children don't usually play tennis on Sundays.
Do children usually play tennis on Sundays? 

mailyan7: Вот еще, помоги пожалуйста)
mailyan7: Nick will go shopping tomorrow.
mailyan7: She often runs in the park.
mailyan7: Boys washed the floor last Friday
vangeineVanGeine: Nick won't go shopping tomorrow.
Will Nick go shopping tomorrow?
mailyan7: Girls will take care of animals next summer
vangeineVanGeine: She often doesn't run in a park.
Does she often run in a park?
vangeineVanGeine: Boys didn't wash the floor last Friday.
Did boys wash the floor last Friday?
vangeineVanGeine: Girls won't take care of animals next summer.
Will girls take care of animals next summer?
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